Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Counting Blessings

I've had a very BAD 24 hours and although I feel like I need to seriously take a look at why, I'm choosing to do the "Oprah Thing" and count my blessings instead. Blending a family is NEVER easy, anyone who says it is....needs to seriously take a look at why they're in denial. I feel like we do very well and always try to put the kids 1st. Although we've had a rough patches, especially lately, we've been very blessed with the relationship of our daughters....Callie & Ali, who are just 6 months apart. Now, obviously that last fact was much sweeter when they were both 7 and not 12 & 13....talk about hormones. But, no matter how angry, sad, or crazy they get with us they ALWAYS love each other. We've actually joked lately about "how do they have so much to talk about?" They're in most of the same classes, they cheer together, tumble together, live together....yet most nights at bath/shower time they will sit in the bathroom floor and talk to each other. Well, tonight at a game I was ready to kill them for constantly talking on the sideline. But then I realized....."I'm so glad my girls love each other and that they have soooo much to talk about." Even if they were probably complaining about their parents. hahaha


  1. Do they have a game that we can come to in the next couple of days?

  2. No Games but our 1st competition is at Johnson Central High School next Sunday the 11th.

  3. i love all of the pics on ur blog melissa!! they r all soo awesome!!

    love ya,
