Wow!!! What a day. Let me preface by saying that not only is it the day before Christmas but also Trey's birthday. So, take the craziness that has become Christmas and through a birthday party in the middle of it.....that's been my week. I thought I was so on top of things this year. I planned Trey's B-day celebration at Ghatti Land for Sunday, finished all my shopping Sat. (except for stocking stuffers), and started my mother-in-laws (don't you just hate that title...she's too good to me for that to be all I can call her) gift earlier than ever before. I do a scrapbook of everything that happened to our family (all 11 of us) throughout the year. Its become so special to everyone and a family tradition. Anyway, I was feeling so proud of myself for being very UN-Melissa like. I was on the ball. Then, I remembered why I have to be busy right up til Christmas....so my mind doesn't have time to think!
During this time of year, as we put more of our focus on Jesus, I can't help but get a little home sick. Louisa is my Home in every way except for missing my family, especially my sister and nephew, and my former church and church family. I long for my former pastor, church friends, and family.
My sweet Callie bug leaves to go to her dads the last day of school and doesn't come home til Christmas Eve night. I know how lucky we are that we're able to work this out so that she's always HOME Christmas Eve night and gets to wake up here Christmas morning ...all without having to miss Christmas with her dad, grandparents, and cousins. But, anytime she's gone for more than the normal 2 and 1/2 days my heart is just so heavy. Needless to say I'm ready for my girl to be HOME.
Then because we had done the friend thing Sunday we were going to Celebrate Trey's b-day with just family tonight, but he's stranded in Lexington with his Poppy. We haven't even seen him today. Now mind you he's probably not bothered in the slightest. He is a Poppy's boy. The last time I talked to him he was getting ready to swim. But his dad & I are miserable.
Just writing it all down gives me perspective. I'm so glad that even with all the terrible decisions I've made in my life, my children have a very normal life and aren't pulled and tugged with an every other weekend, every other Holiday, no exceptions schedule. I'm so glad my son & father-in-law (theres that title again) were caught behind a wreck instead of in one. I'm so blessed. Thank You Lord for perspective.
During this time of year, as we put more of our focus on Jesus, I can't help but get a little home sick. Louisa is my Home in every way except for missing my family, especially my sister and nephew, and my former church and church family. I long for my former pastor, church friends, and family.
My sweet Callie bug leaves to go to her dads the last day of school and doesn't come home til Christmas Eve night. I know how lucky we are that we're able to work this out so that she's always HOME Christmas Eve night and gets to wake up here Christmas morning ...all without having to miss Christmas with her dad, grandparents, and cousins. But, anytime she's gone for more than the normal 2 and 1/2 days my heart is just so heavy. Needless to say I'm ready for my girl to be HOME.
Then because we had done the friend thing Sunday we were going to Celebrate Trey's b-day with just family tonight, but he's stranded in Lexington with his Poppy. We haven't even seen him today. Now mind you he's probably not bothered in the slightest. He is a Poppy's boy. The last time I talked to him he was getting ready to swim. But his dad & I are miserable.
Just writing it all down gives me perspective. I'm so glad that even with all the terrible decisions I've made in my life, my children have a very normal life and aren't pulled and tugged with an every other weekend, every other Holiday, no exceptions schedule. I'm so glad my son & father-in-law (theres that title again) were caught behind a wreck instead of in one. I'm so blessed. Thank You Lord for perspective.
Very touching post. I was miserable on the way home today and all I could think about was how quickly you could get me in a good mood and get me to enjoy the big things in life instead of fretting over the little things. I love you and miss you.