Seriously though, I enjoyed the blog so much that I decided to use it for two of my Christmas gifts. First I decided to set up a blog for my husbands baseball team as a Christmas gift to him. He's been asking for some time now for me to set up a myspace for them and I thought this would be even better. I had to share the gift with him early because I had to get info and pictures from him and other coaches, but it didn't ruin the gift at all....he's so excited and loves what I've done so far. My son also thinks mommy's the bomb now, so all in all I did well. Although most of the page is still in the works and has a lot of fictional info on it just so we could see what we wanted to do, you can check it out at louisabulldogsbaseball here at blogspot.

I'm afraid the boys in the back enjoy this sport more than those in front. But with all that I've seen in my life I've come to know that there are worse things your husband could be doing than playing baseball with your son.
I'd also really struggled with what to do for my cheerleaders for Christmas. I have 18 so anything I did was going to take more money than I wanted to spend. We had discussed doing a $10 limit gift exchange but after discussing it with them I've decided we'll take that $180 and sponsor 2 little girls on our community Angel Tree. They're so excited about wrapping all the gifts at the Christmas party this weekend and really seemed to be proud about giving something to someone in need. So, I thought while we wrapped gifts I'm going to hook up the lap top to the big screen and show them our new lmscheersquad blog page. I had each of them fill out a profile this week and I'm using that info to set everything up, this too is still in the works , but feel free to check it out.
So no, I'm not on strike....I'm OCD !!!
Woo-hoo, you go girl! I love type A personalities! This blogging is addictive isn't it? I believe everyone should have a blog. That way I could keep up with everyone without bothering them.